I'm starting to enjoy my easter break already. DOnt have to worry about any assignment and test. feels so good. I've to get back to uni on wed and start everything all over again. Last week was pretty fun. we finished our project for steel and timber structures. it was fun working with them in the lab. Took us 7 hrs to actually finish them from 2 sheets of metals. had to do everything with it to make it the way its in the pic. Its pretty fun. I took quite a lot of pics and I'm gonna post it up. (= Went to watch movie at glen yesterday and it was crazying in the city late night again. Damn, at least i get to see the other side of melbourne. there's a lot of fighting around. We were eating in KFC and there was a bunch of of 20 ++ people battling it out just a few metres away. and there was about 50 ppl screaming and cheering them on. It was crazyy! I know how what's gang vs gang! HAHAHA! then the securities came and stopped it and they wanted everyone to evacuate. damn. we were still enjoying our food! then we went to yarra river and ate beside it. damn feeel!

measuring the sheets.

folding the sheets.

cutting the sheets.

after folding and cutting .

filing the holes we drilled.

putting rivet joints.

clmaping the sheets and punching the rivets.

that's wad we get.

7 hours of work!