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Friday, February 23, 2007

_l_ Crown!

As what SIP2 owwes says, " YOU WILL PAY" FUck. I swear one day i'll ripe u into pieces and tear u apart until u and ur fkin crown goes into d bin. you peiece of damn thing. screw you so bad for making my day so terrible. one day i'll come on my jet plane with my bags of 100 bucks and choke u to death! U"LL PAY u *toot* *toot* *toot* argghhh.. No way! I'm suppose to do it now. but i'll wait. insufficient fund is what people usually say. Had fun today. after that, the laughters and craziinneesss.. It was nice. well worth it. U hold on to that piece of money first i tell you. One day ii'll stack one number with 10 times the one i placed and i'll gain 100 times back! U'll see! all I can do now is study well. get good job, get good wife, get good money. Just wait. I hope u can live that long. Btw, thank you for d adrenaline rush i had. _l_ . but overrall I had a great day today. everyone's going well. huhuhu~ =)

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